Use: Choosing a quality potting soil is essential for healthy plants! These potting soils offer blends of nutrients formulated for both indoor and outdoor use. They provide quick and slow release feeding which will help the plant(s) grow stronger and healthier.
Basic - 1' Bag
Happy Frog - 2 cu.ft. Bag
Happy Frog® Potting Soil is alive with beneficial microbes and fungi that help break down organic matter and feed the plant roots. Between the earthworm castings, the bat guano, and the aged forest products, your container plants have never felt so good. FoxFarm uses only the highest quality, premium ingredients—no cheap fillers, no topsoil, no sludge.
Ocean Forest 1.5 - cu.ft. Bag
Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and sea-going fish and crab meal.Aged forest products, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest® its light, aerated texture.
K-9 Lucky Dog - 3.8 cu.ft. Bag
This light airy blend of peat moss and perlite offers both water retention and good drainage. The soil offers mycorrhizal fungi and earthworm castings, and is formulated to optimize nutrient availability to plants. Useful in container gardens, houseplants, trees, shrubs, hemp, and roses. Use Lucky Dog® for rooted cuttings and young plant starts for both indoor and outdoor cultivation.